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Tag: chickens

Want Me to Magically Sign Your Book?

Have I told you about the time I was at a book launch for my beloved mentor Rebecca McClanahan where I found myself seated on a sofa and a woman with the most pronounced South Carolina low country drawl I’d ever heard leaned over and said, “My huzzzz-band wrote Riiiiising Tide,” and I realized the man seated next to me was John Barry, the...

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Chicken Musings

“I have written a novel about the commercial abuse of chickens.” Every time this statement comes out of my mouth, I think, that is the strangest thing. Yet, it’s true. Train Trip pivots on a drug scandal made possible by our “modern” methods of chicken raising and processing. The theme has grown in importance as...

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Don Chickote: Or the Strange Adventures of Lucinda Mae Watkins on the Train

As irrefutable proof of my ingrained belief that the problem must be mine, I retained the title, description, and target audience given to me by a former agent whom an editor said was not marketing my novel correctly. That period is over. Old Title: Trouble at Big Daddy’s Chicken Palace Emporium New title: Don Chickote: Or the Strange...

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