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I Believe for the New Year

I believe for the new year I will buy a pocket dictionary and stop looking up words on line.

I believe for the new year I will begin each morning with a meditative practice. It can be contemplative prayer. Sitting on the porch. Surveying the yard. Fingering the prayer beads my talented friend and Bead by Bead author Suzanne Henley made for me. Rubbing the face of my Mother Mary icon sprinkled with water from the Nazareth well. Something intentional. Will I end each day with such a practice? I doubt it, but I have to being somewhere.

I believe for the new year I will cancel my New York Times subscription. I will never again visit Huffington Post. I will keep my Daily Memphian and Tri-State Defender and Mississippi Today subscriptions because they tell me what’s happening in the local places I call home. These publications are news, not op eds. I believe for the new year I am done with op eds.

I believe for the new year I will read a book a week (unless the book is over 400 pages, then it can get two weeks.) I will start this practice today with The Book of Lamentations written by Rosario Castellanos, and I will work my way through the 12 paperbacks my mother gave me for Christmas last year that I’ve wanted to read all at once in a block of time, but life hasn’t given me a block of time with all 12 books at my fingertips. Starting today, I am taking the time, given or not.

I believe for the new year I will pick a Democratic candidate to get behind for President of the United States and stop waiting for something to make up my mind for me.

I believe for the new year I will get off Facebook. I will leave my blog synched to my FB Author’s Page, but I will not check comments posted there. I will explain the situation to readers, invite them to comment directly on the website, and live with the consequences.

I believe for the new year I will make crosses out of leftover redwood planks from our deck, make a cool-as-hell Dead Beans costume for Lundi Gras, keep making dryer lint art, keep loving my husband and indulging my dog, keep doing that which gives me great joy.

I believe for the new year I will take concrete steps to make my life more of what I want it to be.

I believe for the new year….


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