China, Words, and Hope
I don’t know if this is appropriate or not, but I need to tell you that a really nice publishing house is, right now, reading the full manuscript on MUD ISLAND, the mystery featuring a formerly homeless young woman set in Memphis in 1997 (which I revised from being a formerly homeless old man set in 2019), and I’m trying not to think about it because I’ve been sooooo disappointed over the years when a novel manuscript has gotten a really good agent, and I’m thrilled but then the agent can’t sell the manuscript, and the poor little one (“Don’t call me a little worm!” huffed an indignant Sunday school child to my mother once) gets shelved in the archives of my computer where it sits until I’m following the tree of documents to get to my latest brilliant (yeah, right–just you wait, you’ll get archived too) work and I see it and I think, damn, that was a good story.
In the meantime, please enjoy the written word on china and fine linen:

Mud Island, pitching your novel, revising your novel, submitting your novel
Joanne Corey
Best wishes! The waiting is hard…
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Publishers reading the manuscript, corona test results, where’s the hurricane going–all my life right now seems to be waiting. I just have to keep living while it’s going on so I don’t wake up 9 months from now wondering where the time went.