In Case You’re Following Along
Today, I finished polishing the first ⅔ of Jazzy and the Pirate.
That means I have ⅓ to go.
I’m not giving away too much to tell you the rag-tag group of characters has arrived in New Orleans, ready to save the city from the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina.
Many questions have been answered. About the Pirate’s agenda. About Jazzy’s plan to save the city. About the origin of the curse that enchants them. And its cure.
And tougher questions have been raised. About her dad’s death. About the stability of the house-ship on which they sail. About her family’s future. The city’s fate. Her own fate.
I have an outline of the remaining portion of the book. But even in what I just called the “polishing,” I revised plot lines. So then I had to make a new document entitled “Plot Lines.” And re-plot the lines. The Plot Lines document is very helpful, for it easily identifies what the heroine wants, who/what stands in her way. How each obstacle grows more dire as the story unfolds.
I am telling you all this because it has been a long, slow slog. And it’s easier to keep at a long, slow slog when you know someone else is with you. 🙂
Reading the Count of Monte Cristo has helped too. It’s a long book. I’m sure it was a long, slow slog to write. But, boy, was it worth it.
I hope mine is too.

I AM following along because I think one of the first posts of yours that I read asked your readers to identify which location they’d like to read a story set in and I said New Orleans. Naturally, being the egotistical soul that I am, I thought you must have chose the site just for ME!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Oh, I did! I did! I chose it just for you! There was Katrina, of course, but that’s a mere technicality. 🙂 Thank you so much for following from the beginning to the END, God grant it may come soon.
Rick DeStefanis
Good luck. Keep slogging along.The Count of Monte Cristo is one of the few books I’ve read more than twice.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Ha! Twice! I was so proud of reading it once. :O
D. Wallace Peach
It is a looong slooow sloooog. You are not alone. I’m slogging right along with you, Ellen. Happy Writing.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
It is so nice to know I have companions. We slog together—now, there’s a motto, isn’t it?
Joanne Corey
The Count of Monte Cristo was one of my favorite books when I was in high school.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I came to it, as they say, “late in life.” But I much enjoyed it. Hope things are going okay for you.
Joanne Corey
Thanks, Ellen. Things are still pretty rough here, unfortunately. I hope things are going well for you and yours, though.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
We are doing well. I’ll be thinking about you.