A Pool Redux
I a pool redux, I got back in the pool today. I hurt my back in March (March!) which totally disrupted my swimming. You would think swimming would be good for one’s back (I did), but one time after I swam, I couldn’t walk and that scared me off. I’m a little pissed at the doctor who didn’t give me a steroid pack like I got last summer that set me on the road to recover in ten days time. Instead, I languished for three months, babying the back. Then I developed an eczema spot that hates water. I’ve stayed out to the pool the last month hoping it will heal.
Y’all, I am such a nerd. I got in the pool today with a gel bandage covered by Press-n-Seal worn underneath a swim glove. “Waterproof” the Amazon reviews proclaimed the glove. Ha! It was the furtherest thing from waterproof. Nor did the Press-n-Seal hold up. Or the bandage. I suppose nothing can keep out water in freestyle laps.
In a totally unrelated matter, we’re watching a show called Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, a fluffy Australian show. The keen thing is her outfits. The show is set in the 1920s. And the dresses, hats, head chains, wraps—it’s something else. It’s an old show, 2012. So there’s no way I can run down those outfits. But, man, they make me jealous.

Not me in a pool redux. Me at Ocean Isle Beach in 2013, photo credit to my sister Elli Morris.
Joe Hawes
Glad you made it back. Hope your back is omprovef
Ellen Morris Prewitt
It has, thank you. I’m still peeved at the course of action the doctor took, as you can tell.I shall not be going back to him.
Three weeks ago I got out of the pool and face planted on the concrete. This body is getting very difficult. Hope your back stays good.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Lord, that sounds like me. Trying to do the right thing and—blam! It kicks back. I hope you weren’t hurt bad.
I loved Miss Fisher!! Watched all the episodes. And wish there were more! I bought a swimdress (haha) for older women at LLBean and I have yet to use it due to same issues (body pain and pain patches). Hope to go to pool before it closes here for the season. Getting older brings too many body issues that have to be addressed. Oh to be young and lithe again!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
We have fallen in love with Miss Fisher. I fell down a rabbit hole searching for a vintage piano shawl, but then I decided I couldn’t sufficiently tell the quality of the fringe and silk online. But I bet if I haunt some NOLA vintage stores…
I have a pool dress! Well, a dress I use as a pool coverup. I bought it in Jackson at a drugstore, of all things. I drive out to Diamondhead to do laps. It’s not a particularly lovely pool, but it has lanes that are almost never occupied. And you can’t swim if it’s thundering because of a metal roof. And the Diamondhead exit is closed. This hand not letting me swim has increased my desire to swim, of course it has. Because you know if we swim we’ll be young and lithe again. 🤣