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You are Wonderful

I like mayo on my hotdog.

I have one nearsighted eye and one farsighted eye.

I can swim the length of a 25 yard pool in one breath.

I am afraid of ocean liners and the car running out of gas.

Snakes don’t scare me.

I love my family.

I hate single-use contact lens.

I was blond as a child then strawberry blond then a boy in law school asked, “Who’s the redhead?” Now at 66, I’m finally going gray. My Life in Hair.

I dream.

I practiced law and walked the runway and waitressed and programmed computers with punch cards and led the Mississippi Opera Guild and played competitive tennis and sat beneath the fireworks at the Washington Monument on July 4, 1976 and danced on stage with Rufus Thomas doing the Funky Chicken and performed as Elvis Impersonators with my besties, and I laughed, oh, how I laughed.

Life is short: eat weird food.

I lost both my hips at age 58.

I know ghosts.

I cry every time I hear, “Walking in Memphis.”

You know “stress eaters”? I’m a stress non-eater. Life has whittled me down to 114 pounds.

Give me petrichor, and my soul lifts.

I love meeting new people and we’re talking and then the barrier dissolves and they say something real and I see them, really see them, then I love them as if they were my childhood friend with no judgement, no assessing, just love because it’s always been there.

I am unique. You are unique. Make your list. Copy the format of mine if you want. (I love (insert strange food or strange animal or strange habit.)) Take a minute to love yourself. You are wonderful.

Self-affirming lists, The joy of lists, You are wonderful

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